


Displaying 461 - 480 of 1984

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/06/22 Disciples Must Have the Proper Hope Jason Shackleford Gospel Meeting Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_6_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustHavetheProperHope.mp3
04/05/22 Disciples Mustn't Be Unequally Yoked Jason Shackleford Gospel Meeting Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_5_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustntBeUnequallyyoked.mp3
04/04/22 Disciples Must Be Religiously Narrow-Minded Jason Shackleford Gospel Meeting Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_4_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustBeReligiouslyNarrowMinded.mp3
04/03/22 Disciples Must Be Doers of the Word Jason Shackleford Gospel Meeting Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_3_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustBeDoersoftheWord.mp3
04/03/22 Disciples Must Have the Proper Outlook Jason Shackleford Gospel Meeting Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_3_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustHavetheProperOutlook.mp3
04/03/22 Disciples Must Have the Proper Attitude Jason Shackleford Gospel Meeting Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_3_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustHavetheProperAttitude.mp3
03/30/22 The Psalms and Wisdom Literature 23 John Gibson Bible Class Psalms and Wisdom Literature Wed Bible Study Song_of_Solomon_Part_Two.pdf 2022_03_30_WedPM_GibsonJohn_ThePsalmsandWisdomLiterature23.mp3
03/27/22 Putting Away Gossip John Gibson Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022_03_27_SunPM_GibsonJohn_PuttingAwayGossip.mp3
03/27/22 What Can We Learn from the False Teachers of 2 Peter 2? John Gibson Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_03_27_SunAM_GibsonJohn_WhatCanWeLearnfromtheFalseTeachersof2Peter2.mp3
03/27/22 The Psalms and Wisdom Literature - 22 John Gibson Bible Class Psalms and Wisdom Literature Sun Bible Study 2022_03_30_SunAM_GibsonJohn_ThePsalmsandWisdomLiterature22.mp3
03/23/22 The Psalms and Wisdom Literature 21 John Gibson Bible Class Psalms and Wisdom Literature Wed Bible Study 2022_03_23_WedPM_GibsonJohn_ThePsalmsandWisdomLiterature21.mp3
03/20/22 The Results of Love John Gibson Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_03_20_SunAM_GibsonJohn_TheResultsOfLove.mp3
03/20/22 Ecclesiastes 8 -9 John Gibson Bible Class Psalms and Wisdom Literature Sun AM 2022_03_20_SunAMBibleStudy_GibsonJohn_Ecclesiastes8_9.mp3
03/16/22 The Psalms and Wisdom Literature 19 John Gibson Bible Class Psalms and Wisdom Literature Wed Bible Study 2022_03_16_WedPM_GibsonJohn_ThePsalmsandWisdomLiterature19.mp3
03/13/22 There Will Be False Teachers - 2 Peter 2 John Gibson Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022_03_12_SunPM_GibsonJohn_ThereWillBeFalseTeachers2Peter2.mp3
03/13/22 Adorning the Doctrine of Christ - Titus 2 John Gibson Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_03_12_SunAM_GibsonJohn_AdorningtheDoctrineofChristTitus2.mp3
03/13/22 The Psalms and Wisdom Literature 18 John Gibson Bible Class Psalms and Wisdom Literature Sun Bible Study 2022_03_12_SunAM_GibsonJohn_ThePsalmsandWisdomLiterature18.mp3
03/09/22 The Psalms and Wisdom Literature 17 John Gibson Bible Class Psalms and Wisdom Literature Wed Bible Study 2022_03_8_WedPM_GibsonJohn_ThePsalmsandWisdomLiterature17.mp3
03/06/22 More Like Jesus in Being Evangelistic John Gibson Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022_03_06_SunPM_GibsonJohn_MoreLikeJesusinBeingEvangelistic.mp3
03/06/22 Three More Crucifixions Part 2 John Gibson Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_03_06_SunAM_GibsonJohn_ThreeMoreCrucifixionPart2.mp3

Displaying 461 - 480 of 1984

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