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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/25/11 Heaven, a Prepared Place for a Prepared People John Michael Huggins (none) Sun AM 2011_12_25_JMHuggins_Heaven_a_Prepared_Place_for_a_Prepared_People.mp3
12/11/11 Hell is Real John Michael Huggins (none) Sun AM 2011_12_11_JMHuggins_Hell_is_Real.mp3
12/04/11 Beware of Partiality Ron Flatt (none) Sun PM 2011_12_04_Flatt_Beware_of_Partiality.mp3
11/27/11 Love John Michael Huggins (none) Sun AM 2011_11_27_JMHuggins_Love.mp3
11/20/11 How Do We Get To Heaven? Ron Flatt (none) Sun AM 2011_11_20_Flatt_How_Do_We_Get_To_Heaven_.mp3
11/13/11 Urgency of Becoming a Christian John Michael Huggins (none) Sun AM 2011_11_13_JMHuggins_Urgency_of_Becoming_a_Christian.mp3
10/23/11 A Lesson From Noah's Strong Faith Ron Flatt (none) Sun PM 2011_10_23_Flatt_A_Lesson_From_Noahs_Strong_Faith.mp3
10/02/11 Life To the Next Level Don Truex (none) Sun AM 2011_10_02_Truex_Life_to_the_Next_Level.mp3
09/04/11 The Value of Faithfulness Horace Huggins (none) Sun PM 2011_09_04_HHuggins_The_Value_of_Faithfulness.mp3
08/28/11 Victory Over Sin Ron Flatt (none) Sun AM 2011_08_28_RonFlatt_VictoryOverSin.mp3
08/28/11 Peter's Confession John Michael Huggins (none) Sun PM 2011_08_28_JMHuggins_Peter'sConfession.mp3
08/07/11 Importance and Duties of the Local Church Horace Huggins (none) Sun AM 2011_08_07_HoraceHuggins_ImportanceAndDutiesOfTheLocalCongregation.mp3
07/31/11 The Cross John Michael Huggins (none) Sun AM 2011_07_31_JMHuggins_TheCross.mp3
07/17/11 Problem with Being Careless with our Soul Ron Flatt (none) Sun AM 2011_07_17_RonFlatt_ProblemwithBeingCarelesswithSoul.mp3
07/03/11 Honoring God Steve Leverette (none) Sun PM 2011_07_03_Leverette_HonoringGod.mp3
06/19/11 Matthew 11 - The Greatest Invitation David Flatt (none) Sun AM 2011_06_19_FlattDavid_Matthew11.mp3
05/30/11 Why do we need authority for everything we do? Chuck Bartlett N/A Sun AM
04/10/11 A Scriptural Preacher Steve Leverette (none) Sun AM 2011_04_10_Leverette_AScripturalPreacher.mp3
04/10/11 David - How To Deal With Sin John Michael Huggins (none) Sun PM 2011_04_10_HugginsJM_DavidHowToDealWithSin.mp3
01/30/11 What Does God See In You? Ron Flatt (none) Sun AM 2011_01_30_Flatt_WhatDoesGodSeeInYou.mp3

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